
Please do not return IPV6 address when ipv6 not available.

cnmade opened this issue · 0 comments


On Nov 29, 2012, at 5:16 PM, wrote:
in our country, there is no ipv6, so please do not let dns crypt return ipv6 address, it is no use, and waste time .

DNSCrypt ships with a plugin specifically designed to do address this situation.

It blocks IPv6 questions, and directly replies to client applications instead of having to send something to a remove resolver, and having to wait for a reply.

And it indeed makes everything faster. The plugin is called libdcplugin_example_ldns_aaaa_blocking, and it's installed by default with DNSCrypt.

Unfortunately, the OpenDNS user interface for Windows ships with a beta version of DNSCrypt that didn't support plugins.
Support for plugins was introduced in DNSCrypt 1.1.0

Future versions of the OpenDNS user interface may support this.

The best way to express your interest in having this feature implemented is to open a ticket on the project page, so that its developers can keep track of it:

