
Alternatives to SRTM DEM

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Huite commented

I was testing generating an iMOD model, and I got some very low values of around -200 m for the SRTM DEM.

There's probably many filtered DEMs available, which one is ideal probably depends on the use case. E.g. for groundwater modeling I would prefer a robust, relatively smooth one: many boundary conditions rely on an elevation and large jumps generate extreme flows between them, reducing model robustness.

What are good contenders? (And can they be made available through HydroEngine?)

gena commented

For global applications, maybe ALOS would be a good alternative, it's smoother in flat areas (much smaller high-frequency noise). For some areas, a higher resolution dem can be provided, e.g. 10m NED for US, 0.5m for NL (with gaps), Canadian DEM, an a few others. I will probably make get_dem() return mosaic, and allow specifying the actual product to query specific DEM.