
Mismatch in prometheusRules mixin for lvmLocalPV

luisico opened this issue · 2 comments

As per the title, the mismatch is due to case difference in "lvmLocalPV" between these two files:

This prevents compilation, as showed here:

RUNTIME ERROR: Field does not exist: lvmlocalpv
        vendor/openebs-mixin/rules/prometheus-rules.libsonnet:26:113-175        object <anonymous>
        vendor/openebs-mixin/mixin.libsonnet:9:20-62    object <anonymous>
        vendor/kube-prometheus/lib/mixin.libsonnet:26:19-20     object <anonymous>
        During manifestation

Changing to mixcase in jsonnet/openebs-mixin/rules/prometheus-rules.libsonnet#L26 fixes the issue for me, i.e.

- ... + lvmLocalPV(prometheusRules._config).prometheusRules.lvmlocalpv + ...
+ ... + lvmLocalPV(prometheusRules._config).prometheusRules.lvmLocalPV + ...

Ran into same issue. Above fixed it.

r1jt commented

Closing the issue as the changes have been merged with PR #104