Frontend Working Group Meeting 2022-10-06
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arbrandes commented
Date, time, and location
Thursday October 6th at 11:00 UTC (Timezone converter)
Anyone can add additional agenda items by replying in the comments below.
1. Intro
- Meet & greet newcomers
- Review of the agenda
2. New topics
- ESlint guidelines
- Migration of this group's current board to the Frontend Development org-level board
- The Frontend Development project will be used to do sprint tracking across the community
- The high-level frontend roadmap is now a view of the broader Open edX Roadmap project
- On maintairnership and merging PRs
- tCRIL intends to review pending PRs, and if approved: 1) announce merge in #cc-frontend-apps, 2) merge them. Owning teams at 2U can revert if necessary
- frontend-component-*, frontend-platform, frontend-app-library-authoring maintainership
- Resulting from this week's Paragon Working Group meeting
- Reconciliation of Design Tokens vs OpenCraft's theming ADRs (here and here): meeting to be scheduled with stakeholders
- Gabriel Weinberg to work on finding a proper forum of discussing for UX/Design decisions
- Ongoing BD-14/library-authoring work?
- tCRIL's doing spring cleaning
- @arbrandes is going to inquire about other current work in #bd-14-blockstore-libraries
- Ghassan inquires about the need for source-maps, as it increases the build size by 10MB
- @jmbowman explains this is not intended to be downloaded to the browser, instead remaining in the server for stack trace queries when errors occur. This is currently achieved via NewRelic, but could also be done by [APM](
3. Previous topics
- i18n: improving MFE workflow, and documentation of the process to add a new language
- Should we be following the OpenSSF's NPM best practices guide? (@jmbowman)
- What is the most impactful work FED-BOM could do to ease the burden on front end PR reviewers? (Slack thread)
- Sandboxes? (Same slack thread as above.)
- Improving our build/minification tooling (@jmbowman)