
how to build a light gnome desktop for my imx8 platform

Opened this issue · 7 comments

jwzl commented

I want to build light gnome desktop for my imx8 platform, and it 's based on weston. and how can I do for this ? thank you very much!

Best Regards

kraj commented

I think there is no image like core-image-minimal-xfce which is readily available. But I am sure you can cook one up using components from meta-gnome where you can add
IMAGE_INSTALL += "packagegroup-gnome-desktop" to

jwzl commented

I see the packagegroup-gnome-desktop based on x11, but my platform is based wayland
it's okay ? thanks

jwzl commented

@kraj I can't find the packagroup( packagegroup-gnome-desktop) in this layer

jwzl commented

packagegroup-xfce-base is also not found!


What's the reason to upgrade mozjs from 68 to 91? It seems that gjs is depending on mozjs78. Should we use independent package names such as mozjs78 and mozjs91?

If I remember correctly @kanavin - the author of mozjs-91 - said, the reasons were:

  • latest polkit requires 91
  • 78 did not build with python 3.10

Hope to come up with fresh gnome soon [1]. Have to rework that further to build cleanly with all (corner) arches.
