
Can't Install ntfs-3g-ntfsprogs on QEMU

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I included meta-oe and meta-filesystems layers and added IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " ntfs-3g-ntfsprogs" line into local.conf. Then I built core-image-minimal with no errors. But I still can't mount ntfs partitions on my target image. There is no mount.ntfs-3g in PATH directories.

I also checked build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/ntfs-3g-ntfsprogs/2021.8.22-r0/image directory and I can't see an executable there too.

kraj commented

you have to install ntfs-3g as well.

How can I install that? I can't find a recipe named ntfs-3g.

kraj commented

How can I install that? I can't find a recipe named ntfs-3g.

its output package built by ntfs-3g-ntfsprogs recipe. All you need is to add to IMAGE_INSTALL
something like

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " ntfs-3g"