
Trying to sync a tracing node

omryr opened this issue · 1 comments

omryr commented

I am running a node for about a week now and have gotten to block 4867701, the rate seems very slow with about 1.7 blocks per second, is that a normal speed or is something wrong with my configuration? It’s running on a powerful windows server

@omryr node with tracing enabled syncs very very slow, I've been syncing the node from scratch for 23 days and it's still not caught up, it's around 12.7M blocks, total size of chaindata about ~652GB atm.

Also it seems doesn't matter much how powerful your HW, there are lots of transactions per block and that is why it's so slow.

Of course your should use NVME with 64GB memory or more, but even if you have array of NVMEs it's still very slow on syncing.