[Advice]Could you upgrade glibc?
123ABCDF11345 opened this issue · 1 comments
the version of glibc of the latest OS is 2.28-10.However,the "sqlite3"module in npm need 2.29+.And I guess you know,it's an important module of all electron app.I tried to upgrade glibc from some article on Internet,however,I failed every time,and the system even can't work normally after I built and install it.
So could you update the glibc?The latest version is 2.32.Or can you give me some help for upgrade it by myself?
Ps. I tried to upgrade it by this articlebut I just see some error in package dependency issues.I also tried by this one,but after I run 'make install',the system didn't work anymore.
Thanks for your help
Version 2.29+ is not supported Debian Buster, the newer edition will be soon this year as Debian bullseye edition.