
WIP: pea, aubergine/eggplant, broccoli

andru opened this issue · 3 comments

andru commented

Actual size


(see following posts for updated peas!)

I've never seen an aubergine that was actually light purple, but I think it communicates better conceptually than the super dark purple they are in reality.

andru commented

Pea alternatives...

I'm not happy with the amount of stroke used on the Pea, so I carried on playing around with some other options. Thoughts?



These are great. I think I like the one with the dark shade on the back shell for the pea. I'm agreed on the purple of the aubergine - it looks good, and I think it's what people picture when they think of aubergines.

whoa that's a lot of peas to look at. :)

These all look great.

These peas are prob my favorite:

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