Do you plan to release a new version?
juanantoniocid opened this issue · 6 comments
juanantoniocid commented
The latest Flagr version is the 1.1.12
and it was released on 17 Sep 2020. Since then more than 30 changes have been committed to master
but no new version has been released. Do you plan to release a new version? Do you still maintain the project?
victordidenko commented
As far as I understand, creators of flagr now maintains community fork, check this comment, but I may be wrong...
juanantoniocid commented
Thank you very much @victordidenko. I read it and understood the same thing. I am planning to migrate to it, but wanted to double check if this project is still maintained.
github-actions commented
Stale issue message
zhouzhuojie commented
yes, just worked on the merge and repo transfer, and everything lives under openflagr org now.
zhouzhuojie commented
will prepare a release very soon
zhouzhuojie commented