
Disable search as you type: it does not work and causes performance issues on the server

stephanegigandet opened this issue ยท 4 comments

The app currently sends a search query to the server for each character typed by the user in the search box:

--- 1579086525 25322 h - map: - graph: - download: page: 1 count:
--- 1579086525 25317 ha - map: - graph: - download: page: 1 count:
--- 1579086525 25294 ham - map: - graph: - download: page: 1 count:
--- 1579086526 25322 hamb - map: - graph: - download: page: 1 count:
--- 1579086526 25302 hambur - map: - graph: - download: page: 1 count:
--- 1579086528 25317 hamburger char - map: - graph: - download: page: 1 count:
--- 1579086528 25302 hamburger charal - map: - graph: - download: page: 1 count:

This does not work: the server does not support searching on parts of words, so the results will be bogus. Plus it makes useless queries to the server.

Please either disable search as you type, or only send a query when the user types a space, so that we have whole words.

Plus it actually prevent us from building a useful search as you type feature: if we have only whole queries in the search logs, then we can use them to build a working such as you type feature.

Hi, I would like to work on this issue.

Hi @chaubss I just assiged the issue to you ๐Ÿ‘

Thanks, I have made a pull request which fixes this. Could you please review it?