
Problem with several translations

BarbaraKlopocka opened this issue · 0 comments

Epic: #


When choosing some languages for example Portuguese not every element in the app is translated - maybe there are too many languages than needed or somebody should pay a little bit more attention to this matter.

Acceptance criteria

Every element should be translated in the chosen language. There should not be a situation when some things stay in English and the rest is being translated.

What would a demo look like

I think that one solution is to limit the number of languages to only couple, most commonly used.
The other thing to do is just to check if in every language everything is translated correctly.


  • I attach one video of changing language and seeing, that not everything is quite well.
  • I also attach pictures of the issues described. I think that the situation when even on the first page main text is not in chosen language :(


  • change the approach or enhance the translation.