
GLFW Redesign / Ideas

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I recently started working on improving some GLFW related code for a high performant software,
and found myself changing more than I initially thought.
The idea is removing a lot of code and readding only the minimum to work on macOS, multiple windows, etc. and then re add functionality to other platforms.
It changes a lot of internal functionality, so maybe it doesn't make to the core
but here is the ongoing PR if anybody want to read / test / suggest / comment.

I'm using this PR to work with projects that involves lots of screens. the nice thing is this have a new option for window settings. You can set which screens it will attend and it will make a rectangle to open fully with all screens listed

	settings.fullscreenDisplays = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

it works great with horizontal, vertical and mixed screen arrangements
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 14 11 59