
ofGLFWWindowSettings::monitor has no effect (with Windows)

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All of the other GLFW settings work, but ofGLFWWindowSettings::monitor not (if I am right, that one should choose the monitor where the screen coordinates start). I experience the issue with Windows.

Maybe with my Windows system is somethiong wrong, because the app Window always appears on the second monitor...

There is a lot of issues with GLFW window handling. In fact for production I'm using a fork that fixes most problems to me, but it changes API.
if you want to try it out, it is here

in this fork you should use ofWindowSettings instead of ofGLFWWindowSettings

@dimitre thank you. I tried it, the monitor setting still has no effect.

which one is your primary monitor? and which one is on the left on arrangement?
other thing you can try, not sure if it will result differently, is to try a different setting in that branch, like

		settings.fullscreenDisplays = { 1 };

I guess, my primary monitor is on the right (I had to switch the order in the control panel). This can make it more confusing.

I've just perceived a similar issue to yours