
ofxSvg current svgtiny.lib does not work - Visual Studio

Opened this issue · 8 comments

If I replace it with svgtiny.lib from OF 12.0 it does work (that file is much larger, around 7 MB).

which platform? is this addressable via apothecary update?

Visual Studio. Maybe it is a static lib instead of a shared lib? I guess, it should be addressable with the apothecary update (not sure, if it is a good solution to just use the older version)...

In macOS, latest libs (bleeding apothecary) are not working for me

Yeah, probably I was downloading the bleeding libs...

@Jonathhhan Can you please check if it is the case with regular libs or latest?
And update the title or first text of issue? Thank you

@dimitre I will check it soon.

Confirmed an issue with libxml2 binding

Okay it was a bit deeper LibDOM and LibXML needed fixing!
All fixed re patches and cmake fixing : netsurf-plan9/libdom#2

New Apothecary Libs building now

Proof of working