
Standard Widgets

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Verna should embedded a set of standard widgets :

Form input widgets

  • Checkbox control
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      required: boolean
    • Output
      • A checkbox input
  • Radio control
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      required: boolean
    • Output
      • A radio input
  • Drodown menu
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      required: boolean
      choices: string[]
    • Output
      • A select
  • Multiple choice list
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      choices: string[]
    • Output
      • A select with multiple attribute set to true.
        May be this widget could be merged with the Dropdown menu by adding a multiple: boolean property 🤔
  • Text input
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      min_length: number
      max_length: number
      pattern: string
      type: 'text' | 'tel' | 'email'
    • Output
      • A select
  • Number input
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      min_value: number
      max_value: number
      step: number
    • Output
      • A number or range input
  • Date input
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      min_value: number
      max_value: number
      step: number
    • Output
      • A date or datetime input
  • Long text input
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      min_length: number
      max_length: number
    • Output
      • A date or datetime input
  • Image
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      accept: 'image/png' | 'image/jpeg' | 'image/svg+xml'
    • Output
      • A custom file input with image preview
  • Multiple Attached file
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      accept: string
    • Output
      • A file input with uploaded file summary
        Maybe this widget could be merged with the Attached file widget by adding a multiple: boolean property 🤔
  • Link
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      min_length: number
      max_length: number
      pattern: string
    • Output
      • A url input
  • Attached file
    • Properties
      label: string
      help_message: string
      error_message: string
      placeholder: string
      accept: string
    • Output
      • A file input

Layout widgets


  • Title
    • Properties
      • Value
      • Level (Range from 1 to 6)
    • Output
    • A heading element corresponding to the level defined.
  • Paragraph
    • Properties
      • Value
    • Output
    • A paragraph element
  • Separator
    • Output
    • A <hr/> element

Predefined widgets


Last but not least, we also need to be able to create predefined widgets with custom properties and/or inherit from standard widgets propertiers with some value enforced. e.g: We could image a firstname input which inherits from a text input but with following properties: ``` label: 'firstname' help_message: string error_message: string required:boolean placeholder: 'Type your firstname' min_length: 3 max_length: 50 type: 'text' ```