
AOSP build passed, stuck on Android logo on boot, priv-app permissions whitelisting errors

ConradGyllenhaal opened this issue · 14 comments

Only issues related to the code of The Open GApps Project scripts themselves

If you have found an issue with a pre-built package please use the XDA-Developers forum thread


  • The issue is not answered by reading the FAQ
  • The issue is part of The Open GApps Project scope (and not of the pre-built packages scope, for support on those see XDA Forum)

If Open GApps compilation fails:

If Open GApps installation fails:

  • Is the issue reproducible using the latest version of your recovery?
  • Is the issue reproducible with (the latest) TWRP recovery? (other recoveries are only best-effort)

If receiving force closures after Open GApps installation:

  • The issue is NOT an error within one of the bundled Google applications itself (verify by e.g. installing the application from the Play Store instead)
  • The issue is reproducible on clean (=wiped /data/ partition) installation
  • The affected ROM includes the necessary patches and functionality as noted for Android versions and Platforms
  • No non-AOSP hacks like privacy guards' permission restrictions etcetera are applied

Issue description:

Using your aosp_build repo/project, everything is fine during AOSP compilation, but I got bootloop.
I don't get bootloop when I don't add opengapps.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Build AOSP and use aosp_build project/repo
  2. Flash AOSP image
  3. Boot...
  4. ...loop (stay infinitely on animated Android logo)

Expected behavior:

The device should boot normally.

Observed behavior:

Switching from release to debug build, I was able to get a no-auth root adb access during the bootloop. I can see that zygote and every services are killed every few seconds, and the boot sequence start again.

It seems to be linked to priv-app permissions whitelisting since I see:

08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : ****************************************** 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : ************ Failure starting system services 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Signature|privileged permissions not in privapp-permissions whitelist: { android.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS, android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS, com.verizon.llkagent: android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED, android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME, android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND, android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES, android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE, com.verizon.llkagent: android.permission.MANAGE_USERS, android.permission.MANAGE_VOICE_KEYPHRASES, android.permission.LOCATION_HARDWARE, android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE, android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD, android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS, android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.REBOOT,, android.permission.REBOOT, android.permission.MANAGE_SOUND_TRIGGER} 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at$100( 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at$PermissionManagerServiceInternalImpl.systemReady( 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at$ 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E System : at 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 D SystemServerTiming: MakePackageManagerServiceReady took to complete: 574ms 08-11 12:37:54.748 1337 1337 E Zygote : System zygote died with exception

Since my build also include Magisk (, I'm able to change (with the Magisk resetprop command) the ro.control_privapp_permissions property to permissive. When doing this, the device instantly boot OK, the UI is started etc.

But, strangely, the quoted permissions are properly declared in the '/system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml' file on the device.


sargo:/ # cat /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml |grep -i -A10 euicc                                                                                                                                                 
    <privapp-permissions package="">
        <permission name="android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE" />
        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE" />
        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE" />
        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT" />
        <permission name="android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND" />
        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" />
        <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS" />
        <permission name="" />
        <permission name="" />
        <permission name="" />
    <privapp-permissions package="">
        <permission name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE" />
        <permission name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE" />
        <permission name="android.permission.REBOOT" />

So we can see that, clearly, the package has the android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission.

Upload the installation debug log (=tar.gz file) and logcat of Force Closure:

A logcat of the moment I receive the bootloop

New link for the logcat since the previous one was deleted:

Don't wait to download it since it'll be deleted in 7 days and it's too big to be uploaded on pastebin.

@mfonville @Blystad do you have any idea where to look for?

The priv-app permissions are indeed whitelisted when looking at /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml so it shouldn't prevent the booting?

acr92 commented

Hmm, I agree that if they're specified in /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml then it should be okay.

Can you boot the system using magisk, and then run (in adb shell):

pm get-privapp-permissions
cat /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-google.xml

Hi @Blystad, thanks for your answer.

Here is the corresponding log:

Please note that I was able to access the ADB shell while the phone was still stuck on the android logo (as detailed in the first post) ;p

I think the "package" service is killed with every other services and thus, can't respond to this command.

edit: After "disabling" the priv-app-permissions whitelisting check, I got this:

The list seems to be empty... but the xml seems to be OK?

acr92 commented

Yes, I edited the previous post but it's less visible. Here it is:

After "disabling" the priv-app-permissions whitelisting check, I got this:

The list seems to be empty... but the xml seems to be OK?

acr92 commented

I'm using to compile AOSP for my device.

It's pretty straight-forward but I took a look and the only thing that I can see that could interfere with aosp_build, is another project used by CHAOSP, which is called android-prepare-vendor (

We can see in config.json files, that "full" config (which are needed for Google Apps) add the privapp-permissions-google.xml file to the build tree. So maybe it's interfering in a way?

acr92 commented

CHAOSP is using the RattlesnakeOS build script (, and thus is pure AOSP with less than 10 patches.
All the modifications to AOSP are done within the apply_patches function.

I did check them and none is linked to priv-app permissions, or an specific hardening.

RattlesnakeOS doesn't add any "extra checks or protections" so it's not in this direction that we will find something.

To be sure, I'll try a new clean CHAOSP build from scratch.


A new, clean, build from scratch leads to the exact same problem.

Did you manage by your side to compile AOSP version 10 for a device, using opengapps/aosp_build and be able to boot without disabling the priv-app permission whitelisting?

I finally understood the problem and it is not linked to aosp_build!
A priv-app permission xml file can only act on priv-app from the same partition as the xml file.

android-prepare-vendor project was missing permission files from /product and /vendor partitions and some APKs from Google factory images where moved from /system to /vendor and /product partitions during the Android 9 -> 10 update.

I close this issue. Thanks for your time ;)

acr92 commented

That's really interesting...Nice that you figured it out!

Yep I'm glad I figured it out!
For more details on this behaviour/mechanism @Blystad take a look here (
The sentence that got me was:

The privapp-permissions.xml file can only grant or deny permissions for privileged apps on the same partition. For example, if an app on the /vendor partition requests privileged permissions, the request can only be granted or denied by a privapp-permissions.xml file that’s also on /vendor.