Is there is limit for no. of users in the create request api?
forever-programmer opened this issue · 4 comments
The create request api accepts array of _ subject_identities[]_. Is there any limit specified for no. of records?
There isn't one explicitly set in the spec. The intention is that one opengdpr request matches on data subject request. Conceivably they could have one of every identity.
But shouldn't there be an upper limit?
"subject_identities":[ { "identity_type":"email", "identity_value":"", "identity_format":"raw" } ],
This array should have a practical limit (may be 1000 users at a time).
@forever-programmer an OpenGDPR requests represents one data subject (user / person), not many. Your controller can still supply many different identities (eg: 10 different iOS Advertising IDs) under subject_identities
as soon as it identities the same data subject.