
Vim icon editor

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Would it be possible for the tool to detect if the current vi is a .vim the colour should default to that orangy yellow of vim's recommended by ni

You mean the color that NI is using for it's own vims?

Is this color something NI recomments using for vims? I cannot seem to find an article where they say so.

I don't think I would like my vims in a specific class to default to that color. I still want them to have the same color scheme as the rest of my class methods. Maybe when you're changing the icon of a vim thats outside of a library or class you would want to default to a specific color. But I don't think we should force vim's to always default to that orange NI color.

That's the colour (255,204,153). I thought I read it in NI documentation, it is in fact an article by DMC. That's a fair opinion, I tend to use the colour but retain the class header.

For now we will not implement this, maybe if NI wants standarized colors for specific vi types we can revisit this issue