
Create and Open VI label in Clone VI dialog should be changed to Clone and Open VI to match first button.

MichaelAivaliotis opened this issue · 3 comments

LV2020 branch
In the Clone VI dialog there is an inconsistency in the button labeling. In the first button the label is: "Clone VI", so it seems proper for the second button to be labeled: "Clone and Open VI".

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 11 04 29 PM

As a secondary note: The tip strips on both buttons are wrong and state: "Create class". The tip strip should either be fixed or removed.

Thanks for that now, I've fixed this and will do another build this week.
Uploaded a new build yesterday with most lots of new UI changes and changes in the Rename VI, to handle interfaces better

BTW, found that the tip strip was wrong in al dialogs, that is also now fixed