
Usage of owl:ontologyIRI

Closed this issue · 1 comments


This is a follow-on to Issue 373.

The OWL 2 Syntax document, Section 3.1 states:

An ontology without an ontology IRI must not contain a version IRI.

I was not aware of this when I raised Issue 373. After 373 was resolved, the SHACL shapes file I'd noted in that Issue picked up some validation updates for OWL versioning. This shape would now trigger an OWL 2 DL conformance issue if run against the /1.1/*.ttl files in this repository.

May the files now using owl:versionIRI please pick up an owl:ontologyIRI? I'm guessing it's fine for the ontologyIRI to match the owl:Ontology's IRI in each file.

I looked over the ontpub profile @nicholascar noted in 373, and didn't see something in that Github repository that would have caught this issue. The UCO owl.ttl shapes file I linked above catches the owl:ontologyIRI issue, but currently doesn't flag any other OWL-level issues, for the files matching /1.1/*.ttl.

Apologies: I recently determined that the review mechanism was incorrect. owl:ontologyIRI is not an IRI in the OWL namespace. The writeup on the matter is here for those interested.

Please consider this Issue closed without need for further action.