
New function suggestion: lineMerge

Opened this issue · 2 comments

As per #257 (comment)

We would like to suggest to have a geof:lineMerge function in the standard, ( that could be used together with the collect function suggested by us in #400 ) .

Here is a sample query where we would like to use it, to assemble river line pieces from Openstreetmap into a single-(multi-)line river geometry:

SELECT (geof:lineMerge(geof:collect(?way_geom)) as ?elbe_geom) WHERE {
 ?s a osm:relation .
 ?s osmkey:name:de "Elbe" .
 ?s osmrel:member/osm:id ?m .
 ?m geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?way_geom

Our implementation can be found here:

@SimonBin Can you specify more precisely input/output conditions? My guesses:

  • Input is MultiLineString (or LineString) where the end of each LineString is the same as the beginning of the next one
  • Output is LineString
  • Any other input returns UNBOUND

hi @VladimirAlexiev and thank you for your interest, similar to what you guessed, this is what we implemented:

  • Input: (GeometryCollection of) Geometries
    • Polygon uses the boundary line of the polygon
  • Output: (Multi)LineString
    • all lines are merged as good as possible, if they are disconnected we get multiline
  • Point input returns unbound

as you can see, our implementation is just a wrapper to JTS LineMerger + OverlayNGRobust.union