
Re-present document in Metanorma format

Closed this issue · 2 comments

situx commented

I finally had some success in getting the metanorma to work.
You can see how it looks like in the build result here.
It is not too bad I think, but some things will have to be sorted out:

  • Check for pages which are automatically generated by the template which also exist in our template
  • Find out how to add contributors (right now they are added as authors)
  • Find out how to get rid of empty table and figure captions
  • Check for the correct order of pages
  • Check for the correct bibliography formatting
  • Find out how to deploy the build result to the gh-pages branch

The representation of the spec in Metanorma has been done for GeoSPARQL 1.1 and further revisions of the standard.
This issue can therefore be closed.