
URI inconsistencies between Standards document and URIs submitted to the OGC-NA

Opened this issue · 5 comments

There are some URI inconsistencies between Standards document and URIs submitted to the OGC-NA. An example is shown on the attached screenshot.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 10 56 23

This suggests that once the URIs submitted to the OGC-NA are agreed upon and registered, the Standards document should then be updated to match them.

The following steps need to be completed to close this GitHub Issue.

  • 1. Agree on URIs to be registered by the OGC-NA.
  • 2. Revise the TTL/JSON files to match the revised URIs that have been agreed with the OGC-NA. See the URIs here (def) and here (ont).
  • 3. Update the Standards document to use the revised URIs
  • 4. Check that all URIs in the Standards document can be found in the TTL/JSON files
situx commented

The namespaces you point out are the function and rule namespaces which have already been registered since GeoSPARQL 1.0 and which are also used in the funcsrules TTL file.
Should we create one TTL file per namespace, i.e. one TTL file for and one for instead of creating a joint file for both called funcsrules.ttl?

@situx Ok, understood. We'll leave the URIs as they are and register the URIs that have been submitted by the SWG, without modification.

I have just finished checking that every URI that is in the Standards document is also in the TTL files. I only found two issues #441 and #442.

@ghobona is there a problem rendering certain function URIs in the GeoSPARQL spec? I just tried to resolve the minZ function and even though it is classified as a skos:Concept, vocprez returns the error messages that the function is no skos:Concept. Any ideas?

Now it's ok: shows on VocPrez, and has

@prefix ns2: <> .

<> a skos:Concept,
        ns2:Function ;

A bit related to #467?