
define more topological relation equivalences

Closed this issue · 3 comments
9.5. Equivalent RCC8, Egenhofer and Simple Features Topological Relations
has a rich table of equivalences.

But as far as I can see, geo.ttl defines only these:

:ehDisjoint owl:equivalentProperty :sfDisjoint .
:ehEquals owl:equivalentProperty :sfEquals .
:ehMeet	owl:equivalentProperty :sfTouches .

Please add the following:

  • sfOverlaps equivalentProperty ehOverlap
  • Equivalences of rcc8 relations
  • subPropertyOf for the + combinations, eg
    ehContains subPropertyOf sfContains. ehCovers subPropertyOf sfContains
  • complementOf for the negations ¬, eg
    sfIntersects owl:complementOf ehDisjoint
    and thus
    sfIntersects owl:complementOf sfDisjoint

In addition, change the table to use the actual prop names (eg geo:sfDisjoint in the Simple Features column), and link to their definitions.

As discussed in 03/06/2024 SWG Meeting, this is a good idea and we will look at adding more equivalences in version 1.3 of GeoSPARQL.

Thanks @situx ! I looked at #532 for like 2 minutes and it seems ok to me, and quite completely addresses my comment.

However, another set of eyes must check subPropertyOf because this is a bit tricky and it's easy to get it wrong.

situx commented

#532 has been checked and merged, so this issue can be closed