
Missing log link even though test is executed

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

Sometimes tests are executed and the logs are generated properly, but a link is missing in the parent log.

To Reproduce

It's unfortunately not easy to reproduce this locally as this only happens in one case of our scripts, namely the GDI-DE INSPIRE metadata tests. The easiest way to reproduce this is probably by using the GDI-DE testsuite, where the latest TEAM engine release is integrated. Run the 'GDI-DE Konventionen für INSPIRE-konforme Metadaten (v2.0)' tests against an ISO metadata dataset (should be a 'dataset' or 'series' metadata document, else the tests in question are not run). This behaviour happens whether the test passes or fails.

Since the scripts depend on custom java classes it is not easy to provide a full example here, however, here are the corresponding CTL scripts:

The missing link concerns the test called in inspire_only.ctl in line 257, defined in GDI-DE.ctl from line 2728.

Expected behavior

See the attached logs. Therein you find d320e65_1/d180e511_1/log.xml, however, it is not linked from d320e65_1/log.xml.

Thank you for reporting. We will do a deeper analysis.