
Tutorial 4: Output looks nothing like what I have.

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Here is what the tutorial shows:
A messy coloured cube with no z buffer.
And this is me at the same stage:
A neat rainbow cube without a z buffer even though it looks like there is one there.
I'm using similar code, so they shouldn't be different. Are the screenshots for Tutorial 4 outdated or is there another problem?

Quick Note 1 : If you don’t see the problem, change your camera position to (4,3,-3)

Did you follow this step ?

No. The tutorial said nothing about that step.

In the English version this step can be found line 222 of the markdown file Tutorial 4 : A Colored Cube.

Here is a screenshot of the webpage:

It may be missing in other languages though, I did not check.

More importantly, did this additional step solve your issue?