
[Feature Request] Client library for Flutter

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Flutter is a competitor to React. It currently has two popular plugins to develop web3 applications: flutter_web3 and web3dart.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to use OpenGSN with Flutter. Is there a plan to make or extend a Flutter plugin to make it easy to use with OpenGSN?

P.S. if anyone has done this already, please reach out! :)

Can you please elaborate on the problem of using GSN with flutter?
With GSN3, there's an easy way to use for code that uses ethers:
if you have a contract "myContract", then you can do

gsnEnabledContract = await wrapContract(myContract, gsnConfig)

and use that contract for making transactions.
You can still use your original "myContract" for making view calls.

Most Flutter developers (like myself) don't touch any javascript.

We have plugins like flutter_web3 that contain all the javascript like ethers but expose only dart (what flutter devs use) code.

We need the same for the GSN code.

Hi @jpiabrantes
Have you been able to use GSN with Flutter? We don't have a plan to create such a plugin but will be glad to add it to the official repo if you were able to make it work.