
Configuration files not picked up by OpenHAB

furieuxjk opened this issue · 1 comments


I use textual configuration files for things, items, rules, etc. I'm deploying (copying from my computer to OpenHAB server) these files with Ansible.

After migration to OpenHAB 4, when new files (does not matter if it is .items, .things or .sitemap file) are copied to the server where OpenHAB is installed, those files are not automatically picked up by OpenHAB as it was with OpenHAB 3.

If I open textual configuration file on the server, do some small change and save the file, it is picked up by OpenHAB.
If I copy textual configuration file from /etc/openhab to some other folder, open that file, modify and then copy back to /etc/openhab/, it is picked up by OpenHAB.

OS where OpenHAB 4.0.2 is installed is Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS.

Do you have any ideas?


Fixed in OpenHAB v4.0.3 - thanks!