
Ember: Config setting zigbee_txpower not implemented?

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I just stumbled upon the config setting zigbee_txpower in the ember coordinator config description (see here).

My impression is that this is in the config description, but currently not implemented. In particular, this setting is not included in the EmberConfiguration.

Do I overlook something? Would it be useful if I created a PR to remove this setting?

Hm, I see that the zigbee_powermode is fully implemented for the Ember. Are you sure about the zigbee_txpower ?

This here is the current set of attributes in the EmberConfiguration:

public class EmberConfiguration {
    public String zigbee_port;
    public Integer zigbee_baud;
    public Integer zigbee_flowcontrol;
    public Integer zigbee_powermode;
    public Integer zigbee_childtimeout;
    public Integer zigbee_concentrator;

Ah, sorry Chris, I guess this is done in the base class for all coordinators, I will have another look (and Eclipse's full text search seems to have tricked me before...)

I think you are right - I restarted my Eclipse to be completely sure that it is not there - and after that restart I got other search results. Probably I had a wrong search setting before, sorry for the hassle.