
Dependencies on BBQ and Protocol

StanKocken opened this issue · 6 comments

With the version 0.1.1, the pom file provided the dependencies, it's not the case anymore on 0.2.
That means a "client" will need to include openyolo-api:0.2.0, but also bbq:0.2.0, openyolo-protocol:0.2.0, support-annotations
Any reason why we got rid of this?

OpenYolo API 0.2.0:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
  <name>OpenYOLO for Android Client API</name>
      <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
      <name>Iain McGinniss</name>

OpenYolo API 0.1.1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
  <name>OpenYOLO for Android Client API</name>
      <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
      <name>Iain McGinniss</name>

I noticed this yesterday as well.

Any reason why we got rid of this?

No, this was not intentional. We definitely want these dependencies included to allow clients to only depend on openyolo-api:x.y.z. I am not sure what the cause is yet, but will work on this today and try to get a fix in and re-release.

I think this has probably been a side-effect of the changes I made to try and make our POM compatible with upload to Maven Central, where I had to specify the POM more explicitly. In doing so, it seems that I dropped the dependencies. David has a fix in the works and is testing it now.

Now that this has been closed, do we have any plans to push an updated release to jcenter?

Yeah, David's creating a 0.2.1 release.

I am planning to cut the release once Iain's done with #99, continuing the current pattern of releasing from the master branch.

Makes sense to me!