
change in examples/djopenid/ normalDict function

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as per the django docs,

QueryDict.iteritems will returns the last value if the key has more than one value,

the return value of normalDict function in examples/djopenid/ has to be
return dict((k, v) for k, v in request_data.iteritems())

It should be even bit more complicated to fulfill conditions from protocol.

def normal_dict(request):
    Converts a django request arguments (MultiValueDict request.GET, request.POST) into a standard python dict 
    whose values are the last value from each of the MultiValueDict's value lists. This avoids the OpenID library's 
    refusal to deal with dicts whose values are lists, because in OpenID, each key in the query arg set can have at most one value.
    Also converts keys from unicode to string, so they can be used as arguments in functions.

    If request method is POST silently throw out OpenID-like arguments from GET see

    @param request: Django request object 
    @type request: C{django.http.HttpRequest}
    @return: Dictionary with request arguments
    @rtype: C{dict}
    if request.method == 'POST':
        normal = {}
        #take GET first, override them with POST
        for key, value in request.GET.items():
            #all openid arguments must be in POST
                prefix, rest = key.split('.', 1)
                if prefix != 'openid':
                    normal[str(key)] = value
            except ValueError: #no prefix
                normal[str(key)] = value

        for key, value in request.POST.items():
            normal[str(key)] = value
        return normal
        #if not POST, all arguments are GET
        normal = {}
        for key, value in request.GET.items():
            normal[str(key)] = value
        return normal