
Including two figures of reduced width makes captions of both invisible.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm unsure whether this issue should go here or on the Journal of Open Source Software github page, please let me know if you think it'd be better elsewhere.

I'm currently preparing a paper for JOSS and want to include two images side-by-side (like subfigures in LaTeX). I have the following written in my file:

![An example caption for image one.\label{fig1a}](Fig1a.jpg){ width=40% }
![An example caption for image two.\label{fig1b}](Fig1b.jpg){ width=40% }

The figures themselves show up OK, appearing side-by-side in the text. However, the captions are not visible. Including just one figure, even with width=40% shows the caption so this is obviously a problem only when two figures are inserted.

I guess this is a bug, but may also be me not using the figure commands properly. Any feedback or info you could provide would be gratefully received!

The reason for this is pandoc's handling of figures: pandoc, our Markdown converter, only supports very simple figures that contain just a single image. See for details.

It's a long standing issue, and I'm now working on this again. For now, the best course of action is to combine the two images into a single file.