
make preprint target broken

musoke opened this issue · 3 comments says


Lines 46 to 53 in 0739fb5

All supported publishing formats are generated by default, but you
can select a specific format to be generated by passing it as an
argument. Available options: `html`, `pdf`, `jats`, `crossref`, `cff`, and `preprint`.
E.g., to generate only a PDF file, the command would be
make pdf ARTICLE=/my/path/

As far as I can tell this is not accurate. Running

$ make preprint ARTICLE=joss/

results in the error

make: *** No rule to make target 'publishing-artifacts/paper-preprint.tex', needed by 'preprint'.  Stop.

and no .tex file is written to publication_artifacts.

The analogous docker command does work.

Thanks for the report. Should be fixed now.

Please note that the Makefile is not as well maintained as the Docker file. We might remove it in the future.

Thanks you!