
ORCID in PDF output

jedbrown opened this issue · 3 comments

The orcidlink package can put ORCID icons in the author list.

That's a good suggestion. Here's my code from a different project, back when that package wasn't around yet.

% ORCID id icon
  % Scale icon to match current line height
  \setlength{\ORCIDidunit}{1.1pt * \ratio{\ORCIDidheight}{256 pt}}%
      \begin{tikzpicture}[x=\ORCIDidunit, y=\ORCIDidunit]%
        \fill[ORCIDgreen] (128,128) circle (128); % outer
        \fill[white] (70,70) rectangle (86,177);  % i bottom
        \fill[white] (78,200) circle (10);        % i dot
        \fill[white] (109,177) -- (150,177)       % D
        .. controls (190,177) and (208,149) .. (208,123)
        .. controls (208, 96) and (186, 70) .. (150,70)
        -- (109,70) -- (109,177) -- cycle
        (124,86) -- (150,86)
        .. controls (186, 86) and (192,110) .. (192,123)
        .. controls (192,145) and (178,163) .. (150,163)
        -- (124,163) -- (124,86) -- cycle;% end: D

Might need some minor fixing for LuaLaTeX.

Circling back to this, do we have the necessary data available in the template?

I've opened PR #6 for this.