
JOSE pre-submission inquiry

wrightaprilm opened this issue · 4 comments

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I was thinking of submitting an educational resource here. It straddles the two submission types, in that it is an R package to generate and visualize phylogenetic trees (shiny app here), and I have some worksheets that go with it. A sample slide deck to discuss some of the common phylogenetic tree terms will be in the supplemental material.

I'm wondering if:

  • This package is appropriate for JOSE, and if so, which track.
  • If I should get the package on CRAN first, or submit here and then put on CRAN.

Obviously, there's still some formatting that would need to be done for JOSE, but I didn't want to do it before I knew if it was appropriate.


@wrightaprilm This all seems very appropriate. I recommend making a submission.


I still have some questions - should I submit this as a lesson, or as software? And if software, do I get it on CRAN first, or can I submit it as-is?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say to submit it all together. It can be reviewed as software with accompanying worksheets and supplementary material (slides, etc).

We do not have a requirement that the software be submitted to a package manager, so submission to CRAN is not necessary.

All right then, thanks!