
Collaborator Summit 2022 - Dublin, Ireland (NodeConf EU)

darcyclarke opened this issue ยท 106 comments

Collaborator Summit 2022

Date: Oct 1-2, 2022
Venue: Landings WeWork, Dublin, Ireland
Cost: Free
Schedule: Google Sheet
Registration: Register here. Everyone must register.
Session Proposal: Please submit your session by opening a new issue

OpenJS Foundation Slack:
#collabsummit channel:

See also

Local Transportation

Dublin -> Killkenny train is ~โ‚ฌ9 prebooked or ~โ‚ฌ16 on the platform.

Lyrath is a 7 min taxi at the other end.

Ireland typically uses FreeNow rather than Uber.

Date: Oct 3-5, 2022
Venue: The Lyrath Estate, Kilkenny, Ireland

I'll bring this up in our coming Program Committee meeting.

We discussed this in the last meeting. There were 2 concerns/questions raised.

  1. Putting it together with NodeConf might sound like it's Node.js Collab Summit?
  2. Would it be possible for collaborators to attend if it happens the week before NodeConf, in Dublin. OpenJSF can get space more easily in Dublin because of the offices of sponsor companies.


Personally, for the 1st point, I think we'll have to host it together with some conf/event. So, the one which makes sense is Node.js, because of its biggest community VS other projects.
For 2nd point, I think that's also fine. Dublin is only 2hrs (on the train) away from Kilkenny. I think 6 & 7 Oct can also work.

Putting dates for reference,
Oct 1st - Saturday - Possible Collab Summit?
Oct 2nd - Sunday - Possible Collab Summit?
Oct 3rd - Monday - NodeConf EU
Oct 4th - Tuesday - NodeConf EU
Oct 5th - Wednesday - NodeConf EU
Oct 6th - Thursday - Possible Collab Summit?
Oct 7th - Friday - Possible Collab Summit?

The quote for the meetings rooms for 50 people at the NodeConf venue is around 2500 euros, including refreshments and lunch for 50 attendees.
If you want to do it in Dublin instead, I highly recommend before the conference.

bnb commented

I'm fine with NodeConf EU, as JSConf EU is not happening this year (or at least is not announced in a timeframe we could plan around) and IMO JSConf EU is one of the only other events in Europe that would be a good venue (NordicJS, JSConf Budapest, or JSHeroes would be others that I can immediately recall but IIRC they're all too soon/already past).

Actually Nordic.js (6-7 Oct) this year is right after (3-5 Oct).

maybe compare costs (not only for the venue but also compare cost of accommodation for folks coming from outside the country) between in Dublin/Kilkenny and after-Nordic.js in Stockholm

rginn commented

These are all great options! I've reached out to the Nordic.js organizers to learn more. We'll also reach out to our other OpenJS projects internally to gauge their interest in a fall Collab Summit in Europe and time/location preferences.

I hope it won't take too much time to make a decision. I have a ticket for NodeConf EU and need to book flights and accommodation.

As additional data points to add here, NodeConf EU is currently selling "Early Bird" tickets at โ‚ฌ750, while Nordic.js is selling "Late Bird" tickets at about โ‚ฌ895. Without further insider info, this to me suggests that starting to plan now for a companion event might be easier with NodeConf compared to Nordic.js.

And just to throw one more possibility into the mix, I'm involved in organising React Finland here in Helsinki 12-16 September. Despite its name, in content it is a general front-end conference, and we'd be happy to help organise a collab summit in association with it. We are currently selling "Early Bird" tickets at โ‚ฌ399.

After chatting with @rginn, @mhdawson and @jasnell, we will be looking into verifying the viability of a Collab Summit on the 1st and 2nd of October in Dublin.

Have you got any updates? We should finalize a date and announce it.

+1 it would be nice to have final confirmation so that we can start looking into tickets / accommodation for those of us planning to be there

+1 it would be nice to have final confirmation so that we can start looking into tickets / accommodation for those of us planning to be there

Same to me!

rginn commented

Based on all the conversations we had at OpenJS World, scheduling the next OpenJS Collab Summit for Oct 1-2, 2022, in Dublin sounds great. Confirmed! Please let us know who wants to participate in the planning meetings with @theheels, @kyliewd and me.

@No9 could you confirm if IBM/RedHat could host us?

@rginn You can add me. @mcollina also mentioned the same.

@mcollina I had an initial discussion with @No9 and one of the leaders from the RH office. Still working through some details to see if/what is possible and we should be getting back together next week.

Still trying to work through the details to see if the RH office is a possibility.

@MylesBorins @martinwoodward @fhinkel do you think Microsoft or GitHub could host us on the 1st and 2nd of October in Dublin? We'd plan to be roughly 50 people.

I'll explore the possibility of hosting it in the Google offices in Dublin too

No9 commented

Apologies for the delay on this - The summer holiday season has really slowed down the required approvals.
Will have a readout during this week.

We have a location! We will meet at Dublin Landings WeWork on Oct 1-2 2022!
The space will be covered by the OpenJS Foundation while coffee and cleaners will be covered by Red Hat.

Who is coming and who can help with the planning/organization?

I'll be there. Might be able to help depending on the needs.

No9 commented

I'll be there. Let me know how I can help and keep in mind I'm local so I can bring things.

I will attend as well! Looking forward to meet you in person folks!

Hey folks ๐Ÿ‘‹ quick question, is there any discount for collaborators? ๐Ÿ‘€

Hey folks ๐Ÿ‘‹ quick question, is there any discount for collaborators? ๐Ÿ‘€




I'll see what I can do.

Trott commented

Hey folks ๐Ÿ‘‹ quick question, is there any discount for collaborators? ๐Ÿ‘€

Just to be clear: This is a separate event from NodeConf EU. (It's not even in the same city.) This event is free.

Just to be clear: This is a separate event from NodeConf EU. (It's not even in the same city.) This event is free.

Oh, I thought it was during NodeConf. So the collaborator summit will be in Dublin, Ireland, right?

Edit: Went through all comments, and now everything is clear for me! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ˆ

Also @mcollina not sure if it is too late, as you already got a space, but my employer, HubSpot could also cede some space (very probably) at no cost. ๐Ÿ‘€

i will be there ! Hope to see a lot of you in Europe this time

I can also help with the planning / org if needed. Should we try to have something / a bus for the people being in the summit and then going to killkenny ?

I'll try setting it up, we can look into it a couple of weeks before the event when we know the exact numbers. I've rented a car for some different reason.

No9 commented

Also note the train service in Ireland is now subsidized and has wifi
Dublin - Killkenny is ~โ‚ฌ9 prebooked or ~โ‚ฌ16 on the platform.
Lyrath is a 7 min taxi at the other end.

Also note that Ireland typically uses FreeNow rather than Uber

I will be there and will help. I will only arrive the day before so that might limit the ways I can help.

Also @mcollina not sure if it is too late, as you already got a space, but my employer, HubSpot could also cede some space (very probably) at no cost. ๐Ÿ‘€

@mcollina, I apologise if my comment was out of place, just genuinely wanted to offer an alternative. Is there any link for registering for the summit? ๐Ÿ‘€

Thanks @No9 that's awesome!

I'm going to be there for the summit and might help running a couple of WG / collaborator sessions.

bnb commented

two questions:

  1. any tips/advice on how to book lodging for both events? IIRC Dublin is pretty far from Lyrath Estates.
  2. is there some discounted rate for NodeConf EU for Collab Summit folks?
  1. you'll need two separate hotels. Book the Lyrath for (there should be a link available in the registration process to book the room at a discounted rate). As for Dublin, I think it's free-for-all.
  2. there will be a discount code for the collab summit attendees. I'll share it with all of you as soon as I have it.
Qard commented

I should be there. Just working out approvals currently.

Here is a discount code: ColabSummit-Discount2022.

What do you recommend for the Lyrath? 4 nights from 02 to 06? I think there's no info yet on the conference's timing.

In my experience it's better to fly out from Dublin either morning or early afternoon. I almost always experienced delays with late afternoon or evening flights. I'm staying from the 02 to the 06 at the Lyrath.

Qard commented

Uhhh...anyone else seeing $2700/night prices for 2-6 at Lyrath? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

@Qard Use the promo code node2022 to see the right price.

yeah, it looks like there's no more regular rooms outside the ones reserved for the event via that promo code.

on a joyful note ๐ŸŽ‰ yay! I managed to book one room! actually first time ever I'll be staying in the conf hotel ๐Ÿ˜‚ (and I've been doing these for 10years now)

bnb commented

@Qard Use the promo code node2022 to see the right price.

this seems to do nothing to the price for me ๐Ÿ‘€

@bnb I tried it right now and it works. You need to select the dates from 2nd of Oct to the 6th of Oct (or shorter).

bnb commented

@mcollina ah I think the thing I'm having problem with is that they might be sold out. The only remaining rooms seem to be the most expensive ones that are maybe exempt from that pricing ๐Ÿ™ƒ

bnb commented

I might be wrong on that though, as the other rooms seem to cost more base.

Here's what I'm seeing:

No9 commented

@bnb Yeah I'm seeing a bit of weirdness too
I pressed the browser back button from the room page you're on and I got a line with an option for the reduced rooms.

Our room allotment is definitely not full.

No9 commented

@lmammino watch this issue ๐Ÿ˜ธ

thanks @No9 !


I would like to have a meeting to plan/organize the summit. Anyone who is interested in helping please join. I'll suggest some slots, you can upvote with emoji. Or please suggest another time.

๐Ÿ˜„ 29th, Monday - 11:00 - 12:00 EST (17:00 - 18:00 CEST)
๐ŸŽ‰ 30th, Tuesday - 11:00 - 12:00 EST (17:00 - 18:00 CEST)
โค๏ธ 31th, Wednesday - 11:00 - 12:00 EST (17:00 - 18:00 CEST)
๐Ÿš€ 1st, Thursday - 11:00 - 12:00 EST (17:00 - 18:00 CEST)
๐Ÿ‘€ 2nd, Friday - 11:00 - 12:00 EST (17:00 - 18:00 CEST)

I would like to have a meeting to plan/organize the summit. Anyone who is interested in helping please join. I'll suggest some slots, you can upvote with emoji. Or please suggest another time.

GitHub doesn't support these number emojis...

Eh. :/ We do like this in slack.
Tried to update the smiles. Though it looks weird funny now. :D

Qard commented

I'll be at both the collab summit and NodeConf EU. Flying red-eye from NYC the night before the collab summit though, so probably will be barely coherent, but I'll try to survive the day. ๐Ÿ˜…

Tuesday, 30th it is then. Here's the invite to the meeting.

Collab Summit Planning
Tuesday, 30 August ยท 17:00 โ€“ 18:00 (CEST)
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

Will it be possible to join virtually?

bnb commented

@mcollina is the availability for Lyrath now completely gone? ๐Ÿ˜…

I'll check and get back to you.

Will it be possible to join virtually?

@khaosdoctor We are working on it. We'll probably have it, but not sure yet. I'll post here if we are able to figure it out.

Qard commented

Any shared arrangements happening for those of us wanting to get from the collab summit to the conf pre-party on Sunday?

Register here. Everyone must register.

@Qard We are looking into getting a bus. Nothing decided yet. You can also take a train. I'll these details on the top.

Question: Are the t-shirt sizes US-based or American-based?

bnb commented

@mcollina any update? ๐Ÿ˜…

MoLow commented

@WaleedAshraf I also intend on joining virtually, is it required for me to register?

@MoLow Yes. Both Virtual and In-Person attendees need to register.

Hey folks ๐Ÿ‘‹ I will not be able to attend in-person anymore, can we change my attendance to online?

@ovflowd It's fine. You don't need to change it.
Also note, we are still figuring out virtual attendance. It's not confirmed yet as we need to see what equipment we will get in the WeWork office. I will update here once we have more information. :)

Just confirmed; attending in person since I'll also be attending NodeConf EU ๐Ÿ˜„ see y'all there!

Iโ€™m changing my attendance back to in-person as the Foundation is going to expense some of my costs ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I've put up a draft schedule here. Based on feedback from last time, I've tried to fit everything into one track. I had to shorten a few sessions from what they requested.

@WaleedAshraf thanks. I think I'll want to attend some of the sessions against which the "next-10 continues is booked" but given that room 2 is not that used we can manage that on the day in terms of how we manage against the other sessions.

Hey folks ๐Ÿ‘‹ I won't be able to attend in-person anymore :(

I'll u soon!!

Oh no that sucks. Wishing best of luck :)

I have an extra ticket for a nodeconf ticket (my friend won't be able to make it) and would like to sell it at a discounted price of $600 instead of the $800, you can reach out through if you're interested.

No9 commented

@mcollina asked me to look up eateries in the near area for the lunch on Saturday.
We will have coffee at the venue but lunch won't be provided.

5 Min Walk
Rockets IFSC - Burger Bar
Unit B, N Wall Quay, IFSC District, Dublin

Elephant and Castle - COFFEE AVAILABLE.
82 N Wall Quay, North Wall, Dublin 1, D01 XR83

10 Min Walk

2&3 Gallery Quay, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2, D02 R205

Unit 4, Block 1, Grand Canal Square, Dublin Docklands, Dublin 2
General Store that does sandwiches to order

We are looking into getting a bus. Nothing decided yet. You can also take a train. I'll these details on the top.

Planning on how to go to Kilkenny and wondering if there was any decision on the bus thing.

Planning on how to go to Kilkenny and wondering if there was any decision on the bus thing.

We have a bus!
It will leave on Sunday 2nd of October at 14:00 from Central Bank Bus Stop N Wall Quay, North Dock, Dublin, D01 F7X3.

It's a 50 seater.

So we can drop all train tickets?

@mcollina is this bus for people going from Collab Summit to the NodeConf or what? (What is this bus supposed to be? For our lunches or something?)

It's to go from Dublin to Kilkenny / Lyrath hotel

It's to go from Dublin to Kilkenny / Lyrath hotel

Does it need any kind of reservation? I've bought a train ticket, not quite sure what I should do.

It's to go from Dublin to Kilkenny / Lyrath hotel

Does it need any kind of reservation? I've bought a train ticket, not quite sure what I should do.

Same here. What shall we do?

I'll be in Dublin with two colleagues. Can they also take the same bus?

I'd like a spot on the bus :)

Me too! Perhaps we could create a Google Sheets (or even just a GH issue somewhere) of those planing to take the bus to gauge numbers? Slightly hesitant to cancel my train if there's a chance the bus will be full.

Qard commented

I'll take a seat on the bus! I haven't got as far as reserving travel between venues yet. I tend to wing it perhaps a bit too much when I travel. ๐Ÿ˜…

I made no travel arrangements yet so I'd love to reserve a seat on the bus if possible.

No9 commented

Currently we have 43 attending the summit in person so there should be enough room for everyone on the bus as it takes 50.
@targos you're colleagues should be ok but of course we will prioritize collaborators.

I would like a spot on the bus if there is one left :)

bnb commented

I'd also like a spot on the bus :)

Same here if any is left.

Count me in as well

@WaleedAshraf where can I find the link to join virtually on eventribe?