
Collaborator Summit 2023 - Vancouver, Canada (OpenJS World)

ovflowd opened this issue Β· 30 comments

Collaborator Summit 2023

Date: May 9, 2023
Venue: Open Source Summit Venue - Vancouver Convention Center
Cost: Free
Schedule: Google Sheet
Registration: To be defined. Everyone must register.
Session Proposal: Please submit your session by opening a new issue

OpenJS Foundation Slack:
#collabsummit channel:

Media (Session Recordings & Photos)

See also

OpenJS World at Open Source Summit

Date: May 10 - May 12
Venue: Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, Canada

Zoom Info

The online event platform, Zoom, will be open to all attendees starting on Tuesday, May 9 at 8:50 AM PST.

Attendees who want to utilize live captioning in English while watching sessions are encouraged to use Google Captioning.

See below for the Zoom session links for the event. Enter the event through the direct Zoom link, followed by the code.

Main Room / Keynotes
Passcode: 120268
Breakout Room
Passcode: 193091

@WaleedAshraf I know you have helped organize the sumits in the past. Wondering if you have the cycles/interest to do so again?

Hi @mhdawson
I'm not well this year (recovering). So will not be able to get involved this year. @ovflowd can take the lead this year and maybe @christian-bromann can also help.

Oh no @WaleedAshraf :( whatever you have, I hope you get well soon. I don't mind helping with organising this year.

@WaleedAshraf sorry to hear you are not feeling well, best wishes in your recovery.

Unfortunately I cannot commit to additional meetings, but I will be there and I can coordinate during the day too.

targos commented

I won't be able to come to Vancouver.
Will it be possible to join remotely?
If yes, do I have to register for remote access?

Hey, @targos yes you can fully attend remotely and even host sessions remotely! But even if the session is hosted remotely, it requires in-person attendance (that's because we won't have a dedicated online-only track).

And yes, please, you need to register to the Open Source Summit NA "virtual" ticket and select the "Collab Summit Virtual" add-on. Note that virtual tickets are 100% free.

I will miss you there in-person!

Hey y'all, please keep in mind that a valid OSSNA ticket is required for both online and in-person attendance. Please read more over here:

Note that online registration is 100% free.

Frankly I'm not sure how we are going to check that. I assume we will be using Zoom as usual.

@mcollina I would assume that the registration (online) is more for a static approach, as we can't control who joins or does not the Zoom call. Only if we make the room locked with a password and send the password to the people that registered πŸ‘€

I would not bother frankly.

I can confirm I'll be there, and happy to help coordinate the day of the summit if additional help is needed.

targos commented

Thanks for the clarifications! Btw, the Google Sheet in #343 (comment) says "Saturday, Oct 1".

Gotta update that sheet πŸ˜…

Also, ty, Michael (Dawson), for volunteering! ❀️

Hey all πŸ‘‹ a preview (draft) of the schedule is already available here. Thank you!

I just managed to have my ticket for the conference and I was planning to attend the collab summit but it says is already full. Is there a chance to attend regardless?

Show up. I don't think we won't let a Node collaborator in.

cc @rginn

As Matteo said, I doubt you would be blocked from entering if you have a conference ticket. + Even if a lot of people "registered" for Collab Summit, I doubt all of these people that registered will come.

And I as the organiser wouldn't block you either, please come!

rginn commented

We have space! Please attend. I'm working with the event organizers to update our registration page.

as the times of the later sessions will be pretty late for virtual attendees from Europe, will the streamed sessions also be recorded and available to watch later?

@marypcbuk don't worry normally it's record

Hey @marypcbuk, yes. They should be recorded :)

sagirk commented

Hi @ovflowd, how to access the recorded sessions?

@sagirk the videos will be available in the coming weeks

Afaik they should be uploaded to YouTube :)

sagirk commented

@ovflowd They're not up on YouTube yet (I've checked both channels, OpenJS and Node.js), but I'll keep an eye out.

Don't worry it's will come

@sagirk I didn't say they were, I said they will.

Hey, all πŸ‘‹ all the sessions are not available here on YoutTube and all the photos taken within the Collab Summit are available on this Flickr album.

Thank you for this beautiful Collaborator Summit. It was a pleasure to collaborate with all of you!