
Inconsistent InfoFrame behaviour

Opened this issue · 1 comments

InfoFrame tool creates a single InfoFrame. If a new selection is done while InfoFrame is opened, its content is replaced by the new selection. That way, there is always one single info frame opened.
When using the keyboard shortcut, a new InfoFrame is created, whether it already exists or not. The user may end up with dozains of opened info frame. In this case, when a new selection is done, it is quite difficult to know which info frame is changed.

I think normal InfoFrame behaviour should be the first one (single frame), but there is room and need for the second behaviour which could be called "list". It could be something like an infoframe with a name and should not be updated when the selection is changed. On the other hand, it should be possible to perfom set operations like unioning or intersecting between two or more lists.

edeso commented

i'd vote to just streamline functionality to the one instance cursor tool behaviour.