
BUG: Handling of single-element array extent

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Consider the following property instance:

    "property-id" ",2014-05-21:property/surface-energy-broken-bond-fit-cubic-bravais-crystal-npt"
    "instance-id" 1

    "short-name" {
        "source-value"  ["fcc"]
    "species" {
        "source-value"  [ "Cu" ]
    "a" {
        "source-value"  3.615000084042549
        "source-unit"   "angstrom"
    "space-group" {
        "source-value"  "Fm-3m"
    "temperature" {
        "source-value"  0
        "source-unit"   "K"
    "cauchy-stress" {
        "source-value"  [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
        "source-unit"   "GPa"
    "fit-c" {
        "source-value"  0.0027978760473830297
        "source-unit"   "eV/angstrom^2"
    "fit-p1" {
        "source-value"  0.005279181971724211
        "source-unit"   "eV/angstrom^2"
    "fit-p2" {
        "source-value"  0.0006165355304842123
        "source-unit"   "eV/angstrom^2"
    "fit-p3" {
        "source-value"  -0.0005145747612410938
        "source-unit"   "eV/angstrom^2"
    "fit-error-max" {
        "source-value"  4.712160205228084e-16
    "fit-error-range" {
        "source-value"  1.5506207981968703e-16

and the corresponding property definition:

  "property-id" ",2014-05-21:property/surface-energy-broken-bond-fit-cubic-bravais-crystal-npt"
  "property-title" "Surface energy broken bond fit model"

  "property-description" "Surface energy fit obtained by calculating the number of broken bonds created by cleaving a crystal at a given hydrostatic stress and temperature.  These are the prefactors associated with each term in the model."

  "short-name" {
    "type"         "string"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       [1]
    "required"     false
    "description"  "Short name defining the cubic crystal type."
  "species" {
    "type"         "string"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       [1]
    "required"     true
    "description"  "The element symbols of the basis atoms.  The order in which the species are specified must correspond to the order of the atoms listed in 'basis-atom-coordinates'."
  "a" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     true
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Average equilibrium conventional lattice constant of the cubic crystal."
  "space-group" {
    "type"         "string"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       []
    "required"     false
    "description"  "Hermann-Mauguin designation for the space group associated with the symmetry of the crystal (e.g. Immm, Fm-3m, P6_3/mmc)."
  "wyckoff-species" {
    "type"         "string"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       [":"]
    "required"     false
    "description"  "The element symbol of the atomic species of the unique Wyckoff sites used in the fully symmetry-reduced description of the crystal.  The order of the entries must correspond to the order of the entries in 'wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter' and 'wyckoff-coordinates'."
  "wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter" {
    "type"         "string"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       [":"]
    "required"     false
    "description"  "Multiplicity and standard letter of the unique Wyckoff sites used in the fully symmetry-reduced description of the crystal (e.g. 4a, 2b).  Note that the sum of the Wyckoff multiplicities should equal the total number of elements in 'basis-atom-coordinates'.  The order of elements in this array must correspond to the order of the entries listed in 'wyckoff-species' and 'wyckoff-coordinates'."
  "wyckoff-coordinates" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       [":",3]
    "required"     false
    "description"  "Coordinates of the unique Wyckoff sites used in the fully symmetry-reduced description of the crystal, given as fractions of the lattice vectors.  The order of elements in this array must correspond to the order of the entries listed in 'wyckoff-species' and 'wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter'."
  "temperature" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     true
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Temperature of the crystal."
  "cauchy-stress" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     true
    "extent"       [6]
    "required"     true
    "description"  "The [xx,yy,zz,yz,xz,xy] (i.e. [11,22,33,23,13,12]) components of the Cauchy stress acting on the periodic cell.  The orthonormal basis used to express the stress should be aligned with the cubic 4-fold axes of the crystal and the expected form of the stress tensor should be [d d d 0 0 0], where d > 0 indicates tensile stress."
  "fit-c" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     true 
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Constant offset term."
  "fit-p1" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     true 
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Fit parameter 1, the prefactor for the first term."
  "fit-p2" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     true 
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Fit parameter 2, the prefactor for the second term."
  "fit-p3" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     true 
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Fit parameter 3, the prefactor for the third term."
  "fit-error-max" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Maximum relative error of the fit given calculated values, given by max{ abs( (E_{fit} - E_{measured)/E_measured ) }."
  "fit-error-range" {
    "type"         "float"
    "has-unit"     false
    "extent"       []
    "required"     true
    "description"  "Total average relative range of the error for the fit, \\sum{ |E_error / (E_max - E_min)| }/N, error given by E_{fit} - E_{measured}"

The key short-name in the property definition is specified as having extent [1]. This is supposed to mean that the value of short-name must be an array containing a single element. However, as of version 2.5.2 of kim-property, it's trying to interpret this as meaning that the value must be a scalar, which is a bug:

Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun  2 2021, 10:49:15)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import kim_property
>>> kim_property.check_property_instances(fi="results.edn", fp_path="/home/openkim/kimproperty-testing/properties")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/openkim/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kim_property/", line 323, in check_instance_optional_key_map
  File "/home/openkim/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kim_property/", line 271, in check_instance_optional_key_standard_pairs_format
    raise KIMPropertyError(msg)
ERROR(@check_instance_optional_key_standard_pairs_format): "extent" specifies single item, but "source-value" in the property instance is an array of values.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/openkim/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kim_property/", line 565, in check_property_instances
  File "/home/openkim/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kim_property/", line 328, in check_instance_optional_key_map
    raise KIMPropertyError(msg)
ERROR(@check_instance_optional_key_map): in property instance key = "short-name"
<class 'kim_property.err.KIMPropertyError'>

@dskarls I considered extent [] and extent [1] scalar and treated them accordingly. But here, it seems that I have to consider the case of extent [1] for both scalar and an array containing a single element. Is this correct? If this is the expected behavior, I can extend the functionality.

As per the docs, extent [] is used for scalars, and extent [1] would mean an array containing a single element.

I updated the interface as per kim doc. Now it treats extent [1] as an array containing a single element. I do the release later.

Latest master branch confirmed working. Ok to close. Thanks, Yaser!