
Example of using a styled Esri vector tiles basemap (but not as the whole map)

michaeladamkatz opened this issue · 1 comments

I see the example

import "ol/ol.css";
import "./styles.css";
import createMap from "ol-mapbox-style";

  "map", ""

I want to do that but:

(1) I want a basemap that looks like

(2) I don't want my map to be just the basemap layer, but to have other OpenLayers layers on it, such as vector layers to draw objects. createMap sounds like it makes a map with just the styled vector tile layer. Can you add other layers to that map?

Is there an example that shows these?

Yes, that's possible, and there is an example: If you want to add other layers with OpenLayers, just add them to the layers array in your map constructor, like you would without ol-mapbox-style:

const myEsriBaseMap = new LayerGroup();
createMap(myEsriBaseMap, myEsriStyle);

const Map = new Map({
  layers: [myEsriBaseMap, myOtherLayer1, myOtherLayer2]