
Force "Last Updated" param on title-instances to become updated when dependant modules do

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It seems like the "Last Updated" parameter set on a title-instance doesn't always update when its dependent modules were updated.

It is wishable to also set this parameter when "Alternative Names", "Identifiers", "Platforms", "Publishers", etc. of the title-instance changes.

This is very important when delivering data by the OAI API which allows partial requests by setting the "from/until" parameters. It allows assembling of OAI requests that only return updated data since the last successful request.

Now changing those title-specific data should be announced somehow to the API, so that it'll deliver that modified title to the requestor. Updating the "Last Updated" parameter along the title-instance would probably be one easy way to do so, because - if I remember right - this parameter is already processed by the API when "from/until" is set. I speaking here about the titles-endpoint of the API.