
View Edit User: Add organisation

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Regarding page 71 of the functional concept we need a organisation field in the user entity.

@dirk-ecker Is there any need for further discussion? If not, feel free to implement as you've written. (my guess)

I can`t find the field in the response and a PATCH gives me an error, so somebody at the database and REST level has to implement it.

so far, users are only grouped into roles and curatory groups. apparently, there seems to be a newly discovered necessity for another membership in just another group. The simplest solution could be to define the curatory group with index 0 as the first and main organization of a user. Going this way, the implementation can advance without further waiting.

A curatory group is not an organisation - in the data model - or am I wrong.
I am not waiting, it is simply not used, when not set.

Yes, you're right: a curatory group HAS zero or more orgs, rather than being one.

There is a currently unused component called UserOrganisation, which may be used to group Users in another way to Curatory Groups. As it stands now, we don't have a clear concept how to use this, therefore user organisations should be omitted from the UI for now.

Probably, this is the time to fill that unused property with some sense and define that UserOrganisation fits the need and use it accordingly.

est. duration: 5d