
View Provider: Retire or delete url not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The given retire and delete url due to an provider request seems not to be implemented or throws errors.

A POST to rest/orgs/2185774/retire gives an 404 and a DELETE to rest/orgs/2185774 gives an 500er.
Maybe I am doing something wrong.

The links were provided by rest/provider?name=test&_include=id,name&offset=0&limit=10

For the 500er I got an exception:

xception: {cause: null, localizedMessage: "No such property: pkg for class:",…}
cause: null
localizedMessage: "No such property: pkg for class:"
message: "No such property: pkg for class:"
messageWithoutLocationText: "No such property: pkg for class:"
module: null
node: null
property: "pkg"
stackTrace: [,…]
suppressed: []
type: ""
message: "Server Error"

is this bug resolved now?

Delete is resolved but gives a result not needed - maybe only in development environment.
Retire gives a 404.