JSON w/ simple image, duplicate data on reload
Opened this issue · 9 comments
I'm trying to use the JSON loader with a SimpleImageController in an asp.net site, but when I reload the page, I'm ending up with multiple instances of the pivotviewer on the same #pivotviewer div.
Example image: http://i.imgur.com/VzItlbx.png
I'm starting the viewer like so:
$(document).ready(function () {
Loader: new PivotViewer.Models.Loaders.JSONLoader("vehicles.json"),
ImageController: new PivotViewer.Views.SimpleImageController()
Is there a proper way to destroy any existing instances of the html5pivotviewer and its data on a DOM element or page before attaching a new?
I have made a small change to src/pivotviewer.js that should sort out this problem. Can you give it try.
Unfortunately that did not resolve the issue, still seeing duplicate values. When the debug flag is enabled, here is the output for simpleimages.html:
pivotviewer.min.js:116 CXML loaded
pivotviewer.min.js:116 sort ISO country code
pivotviewer.min.js:116 Grid View Filtered: 14
pivotviewer.min.js:116 this.currentWidth: 1885 this.width: 1885
pivotviewer.min.js:116 sort ISO country code
pivotviewer.min.js:116 Grid View Filtered: 14
pivotviewer.min.js:116 this.currentWidth: 1885 this.width: 1885
pivotviewer.min.js:116 sort ISO country code
pivotviewer.min.js:116 Grid View Filtered: 14
pivotviewer.min.js:116 this.currentWidth: 1885 this.width: 1885
pivotviewer.min.js:116 sort ISO country code
pivotviewer.min.js:116 Grid View Filtered: 14
pivotviewer.min.js:116 this.currentWidth: 1885 this.width: 1885
Something is causing InitPivotViewer to be run multiple times after loading the json/cxml. Could it be something having to do with the pub/sub library? Subscription to "PivotViewer/Models/Collection/Loaded" triggers a call to InitTileCollection() maybe? I'm only able to replicate this issue using SimpleImageController
After more exploration, it appears that the duplicate data only appears if I have the F12 developers console open in Chrome and I reload a page with an html5pivotviewer attached to it.
I am experiencing this same issue. Is there a known solution?
My team abandoned the project that was going to utilize the pivotviewer, so I'm afraid I have no updates for you.
Hi Carson2006,
can you let me know a few more details - are you also using the JSON loader and which browsers are you seeing the issue in?
This issue appears to occur when
$.publish("/PivotViewer/ImageController/Collection/Loaded", null);
Is called multiple times.
This can happen in the Setup function of PivotViewer.Views.SimpleImageController if the last image to load is not the last image in the _images array. To resolve this I changed the for loop to a while loop.
New code excerpt:
$.getJSON(baseUrl + "/imagelist.json")
.done (function (images) {
// for each item in the collection get the image filename
for (var i = 0; i < images.ImageFiles.length; i++) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
// when the image has loaded, find it in the items list
var i = 0;
while (i < that._items.length && that._loadedCount < that._items.length) {
if (that._items[i].Images[0] == this) {
// we found it, so update it
that._items[i].Width = this.width;
that._items[i].Height = this.height;
// and increment the count of loaded images
that._loadedCount ++;
if (that._loadedCount == that._items.length) {
// we have loaded all the images: fire an event to inform the pivotviewer
$.publish("/PivotViewer/ImageController/Collection/Loaded", null);
i++; // try the next item
img.src = that._baseUrl + "/" + images.ImageFiles[i];
that._items.push(new PivotViewer.Views.SimpleImageItem(images.ImageFiles[i], that._baseUrl, img.width, img.height, img));
Let me know if you would like a pull request. This seems to be a very nice pivot viewer clone, generally.