
Throw an exception when required argument is not given

dakaa16 opened this issue · 2 comments

When running cobolcheck, only one argument is required: '-p programName'. Currently if this argument is not present, Cobol Check will look for the program name and unit test folder named "" (empty string). Thus it can be hard to tell what goes wrong.

Cobol Check should throw an exception, describing that you are missing the required argument '-p programName'.

Required argument is -p programName or -h, so one of these arguements must be given. Note that this means that if no arguments are given, cobolcheck should throw an error, but an error should also be thrown if cobolcheck has been given other arguments, and are missing one of the arguments stated above.

is someone working on this bug?

Hi @Gouravlalotra15
Thank you for your interest in COBOL Check.
Yes this bug will be worked on by Issacto.