
Add all-contributors bot to OpenML repositories

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments

We'd love to acknowledge all our contributors. ๐Ÿ‘

One way to do that is using a bot

Would be great if someone would set it up for this repo and potentially other repos in the OpenML organization. ๐ŸŽ‰

Please comment below if you have any questions or need clarification on this issue.

Hi @HeidiSeibold.
I installed this bot for repository. This works as intended.
I have installed this for OpenML and repository too.

Cool thanks @prabhant ๐Ÿ‘

Maybe someone would be interested in adding all the contributors to the READMEs in the respective repositories (for now openml/OpenML, openml/blog, openml/, but potentially in all repos).

I think this would be nice. Should look like this in the end
