
Different outcomes of listOMLRunEvaluations (With and without runtime)

giuseppec opened this issue · 3 comments

From @PhilippPro on June 13, 2017 12:50

For some Runs we get also time information now with listOMLRunEvaluations. But only for some.
Is this intended to be like that?


listOMLRunEvaluations( = 2253351)
listOMLRunEvaluations( = 2306596)

Copied from original issue: openml/openml-r#367

Yes, because the package just shows the information that the server gives us. See also and .
Maybe the server guys fixed the the runtime bug between the run 2253351 and 2306596. And maybe they now have to run the server evaluation engine again to the previous runs so that they also show the runtime info. @janvanrijn , @joaquinvanschoren can you confirm?

This is fixed in the new evaluator. We still need to identify the runs without runtime info and reindex them @janvanrijn

Closing because duplicate of #412