
Car share event types

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Cancellation types issue

In the car-share mode, under Event Types, we have the following cancellation types:

  • driver_cancellation
  • passenger_cancellation
  • provider_cancellation

In the Trip ID Requirements we see these cancellation types:

  • driver_cancellation
  • customer_cancellation
  • provider_cancellation

Which one is correct (or are both?) for car-share:

  • customer_cancellation
  • passenger_cancellation

Trip types issue

Trip ID Requirements lists trip_pause and trip_resume.

Event Types only lists trip_resume, omitting trip_pause

Presumably trip_pause should be an allowed Event Type here.

I think passenger_cancellation is wrong for car share and only applies to passenger services. This should be fixed now for 2.0.

Yes and trip_pause should also be added to possible events.

I think passenger_cancellation is wrong for car share and only applies to passenger services.

Got it, so the correct list for car share is:

  • driver_cancellation
  • customer_cancellation
  • provider_cancellation

Yes and trip_pause should also be added to possible events.


This is being handled in OpenAPI in openmobilityfoundation/mds-openapi#6

Updated car share to change references to passenger to customer instead in this commit, and updated the state machine diagram here. Ready to close issue on confirmation by @thekaveman.

@schnuerle I think we still need this update:

trip_pause should also be added to possible events.

Looking at it I actually think trip_pause should not be in Car Share. The 4 listed should work fine. I think it needs to be removed from the Trip ID Requirements list here instead:

Car Share

•	trip_end
•	trip_resume
•	trip_start
•	trip_stop	


•	trip_cancel
•	trip_end
•	trip_start


•	trip_end
•	trip_resume
•	trip_start
•	trip_pause


•	trip_end
•	trip_resume
•	trip_start
•	trip_stop

All Available

Field Description
trip_cancel Cancel trip
trip_end End trip
trip_enter_jurisdiction Trip enters a jurisdiction
trip_leave_jurisdiction Trip leaves a jurisdiction
trip_pause Pause trip temporarily but do not end trip
trip_resume Resume trip
trip_start Start trip
trip_stop Stop trip

Removed trip_pause from car share here.