
Add service_start_time and service_end_time to VEHICLES endpoint

Opened this issue · 2 comments

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The only vehicle info in Trips/Events/Telemetry is DEVICE_ID - we need to join them with Vehicles to get more vehicle info e.g. PROPULSION_TYPE, ACCESSIBILITY_ATTRIBUTES. There is no datetime fields currenty to indicate when a device joins the retires from the fleet, which is critical in the cases of a device gets a new VEHICLE_ID (plate number) and stays in the fleet, or a device gets upgrades to a adaptive device, which will results in two records with same DEVICE_ID.

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Joining Trips/Events/Telemetry with Vehicles on DEVICE_ID will not get us the right vehicle attributes.

Describe the solution you'd like

Add service_start_time and servict_end_time to the VEHICLES endpoint.

Is this a breaking change

  • No, not breaking

Impacted Spec

For which spec is this feature being requested?

  • provider

Describe alternatives you've considered

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Hi @jiffyclub @pierre-bouffort do you have thoughts on this being a concern of yours?

Hi @schnuerle !
I think this is a valid point. We managed to hedge this risk by keeping a record of the history of the vehicle on our end, but the standard itself doesn't manage this scenario.
So I believe the concern is legitimate.